Welcome Back to School!

Are you ready for this?
I'm so looking forward to being back at school this coming week and to seeing all my favorite Kindergarten Kids & Families!
First of all, let me say Thank You to each of you for your generosity to me in class and personal Christmas gifts. I love all the handmade things, the homemade cards, the family pictures, and the many other gifts you gave me. You astound me and I am so blessed by you.
It took me a good two or three days to unwind and get into Holiday Mode - it had been a very hectic month of classroom projects and activities, planning, and all that. I really needed the break and have enjoyed it tremendously.
But now, I'm excited for what lies ahead. Because something magical happens during Christmas Break in Kindergarten Year of your child's life. Somehow, in that short amount of time, they mature significantly. The second semester of school is quite different. The students look less like babies and more like young children. They've settled in and have become more independent. They're really ready to take off with their learning. It blows me away every single time.
So now on to specifics.
If you haven't done so already, please look through the backpacks and folders and get everything cleaned out. The only thing to save from the folder is the Behavior Chart. Please leave that one in there for me.
Refresh your child's supplies, if needed. Honestly, we are doing fine on all student materials with large reserves, except for glue sticks. You might send a couple with your student. 
Please send Book 2 of the Horizons Math, Book 2 (The Runt Pig) of the AAR, and the Handwriting Journal. Please write your child's name on the front of the Math and Journal. Use a pencil to write their name inside the front cover of the reader. I end up with several readers left behind each school year, because the name is not in it and no one ever claims it.
We will begin working on a Calendar Notebook for Morning Work each day. Students will color the calendar pages and add the dates. Each month, there will be several poems we learn and a craft project that will be added. 
To our Morning Meeting, I'll be adding a Joke of the Day and an Opinion Question to discuss. We will begin reading the second book of Little Pilgrim's Big Journey for our Devotion. 
There are loads of Winter Themes and Holidays we'll be learning about. Lots of art projects and crafts.
We'll be implementing some new incentives in class - punch cards for Reading Group sessions and Gold Tags for good behavior, good partner work, and good decisions. These will be used to "buy" items from our Class Store (i.e. all those incentives you have been sending in and I've been collecting.) They can choose to add these items to their Challenge Kits to keep at school, or they may choose to take them home. 
I pray that all of you and your families are healthy and that you're ready to get back into the challenging and fun routine of school.
See you Monday or Tuesday!
Mrs. Duckworth