Kara Duckworth » Posts


Just a Girl...
   twinning with a piglet...
        ...named Petunia.
Where else can you go to read about "The Castle of Despair," play kazoos, learn to draw Chewbacca entirely of 5 shapes, and meet a pig named Petunia, a leopard gecko named Charlotte, and two bunnies named (I'm not kidding) Luke and Leia? May the 4th be with you!
It's all in a day's work in Kindergarten!
We finished our AAR reader on Monday and have gotten down to two more Math lessons in Horizons Math! We're celebrating all these milestones with cheers and hearty self-congratulation. And speaking of celebration, we also celebrated summer birthdays (Archer, William, and Ada) with doughnuts and juice! 
We learned about Ocean Habitat on Monday and practiced for graduation in the Castle on both days.
We read about a chapter and a half of Little Pilgrim's Big Journey and prayed for lots of prayer requests during our Morning Meetings. I read about sea turtles hatching (One Summer Night, Tammi Salzano) and then we wrote facts about them in our Journals.
On Wednesday, we got to hear all the animal reports. We had a great variety of animals from all different habitats and all so well-suited, by the way, to the personalities of their respective researchers. Everyone did a fantastic job presenting their reports!
We learned so many neat things! I didn't know that Arabian horses have only 17 ribs (other horses have 18); that sheep like to eat pumpkins; that basilisk lizards can walk on water and can stay underwater for up to 30 minutes; that African dogs use their large ears to cool off; that jaguars love the water; that chipmunk babies are called pups; that tigers' stripe configurations are unique; that Holland Lops (rabbits) can live up to 10 years; that pigs don't sweat (they cool off in mud); or that leopard geckos' eyes are sensitive to light.
I know you're so proud of your children for learning so many facts and doing a great job with their first research report. I sure am!
Happy Mothers Day to all you hard-working Mamas!
Enjoy the beauty and honor of your great day this weekend!
Mrs. Duckworth
Coming Up, etc.
Shout-out to Cassi and Amber for bringing birthday treats to share with our summer birthday friends.
Field Day is Monday, May 9 at Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church. Meet there between 8:30 and 9:00 am. The games begin at 9! Pack a picnic lunch, bring water and sunscreen, and something to sit on. Wear ORANGE - just a shirt, or head-to-toe! Mrs. Wolfe and I will be there to greet you at our designated space. Games will last until noon. Look for more info from the Field Day coordinators.
Special Theme Days: starting next Wednesday, May 11, with All About Ice Cream. The kids still don't know we're doing this and I don't want them to know! Shhhhh!
You can tell them on Wednesday morning, because I'll need you to send an ice cream topping with them. We will be eating vanilla ice cream in bowls, not in cones. 
Off to Camp is Monday, May 16. Please send a sleeping bag and a flashlight.
Let's Go to the Beach is Monday, May 23. Please send a beach towel. Hat and sunglasses are optional.