Tickets for Tom Sawyer

Good Morning,
    This is my list for tickets for Adventures of Tom Sawyer at the Oak Ridge Theater, Friday, September 8th at 9 am. I've included my list of parents and students who have let me know you would like to go. Please check and make sure I have recorded names and payment correctly. 
   If you haven't responded and still want to go - I can add to this list if you let me know as soon as possible. I'm sending in the order today. 
    You can send ticket money tomorrow, next week, or by Venmo. 

Student tickets ($6) : 

  1. Jackson Long pd
  2. Lena Kennedy
  3. Sierra Stillwell pd
  4. Tyler Beddingfield
  5. Brandon Beddingfield
  6. Luca Bella Moersdorf pd

Adult tickets ($12) :

  1. Katie Long pd
  2. Renea Feathers pd
  3. Amanda Beddingfield
  4. Tosha Moersdorf pd
  5. Liz Kennedy 
PS. Students are receiving extra credit for going to the show as we discussed in class.