Weekly recap

Weekly recap and reminders!

Monday April 8 is early release for the solar eclipse. We get out at 12:30 but there will be no lunch. Please pack a big snack for your student that day.
Also on Monday April 8 we will be doing the Asia experience. I will shift all hands on activities that take longer as well as all of the science to Wednesday. 
Wednesday: they started the morning with a cross color by numbers sheet.
In lightning literature, we read the book Millions of Cats and talked about discussion questions and the story components of that. We also did a summary page, what we thought of the story and our favorite sentence.
In spelling, we did lesson 28B.
In all about reading, we did lesson 47 with word card review. They selected a handful of words that we have learned and created sentences on the whiteboard. They also made their own matching game with sight words of their choice and played with partners.
In social studies, we made tangrams and read the Chinese story to go along with it.
In math, we did pages 92-93 that focused on adding without regrouping. 
In science, we did planetary bingo to review our planet facts! They did awesome!
That was our day! Have a great weekend.