5th Red Science



We have been talking clouds, making clouds, and identifying clouds this week. I’ve had Joni Mitchell’s Both Sides Now in my head all week. The kids are loving reading the magic school bus book the last few minutes of class. It’s a great way to refer to what we talked about. We watched some videos about the Coriolis effect. It’s a big concept, but it’s a good way to tie in currents of air and water and how they are all connected. 

5/6th grade 10/4

Hi everyone,

We did it! We made it to Fall Break.  I was very honest on the 1st 9weeks Progress reports. I want to bring things to light before they become a bigger issue. I realized that I might have some of these kids for many years and I want to train them up in the way they should go. I think they are all great! I think most of the behavior issues are not heart issues so that is great! We can work with that.

  We are reading from the Magic School bus book, Electric Storm, over the next few weeks. It goes into great info about how clouds, rain and lightning form.

They did a great job on their Biome travel posters and brochures. Ask them about their biome they researched. 


5th/6th Grade 8.9


   Again since some don’t have the book yet, I wanted to send out a list of things that need to be done today for science. But…most of it is in the book so…I will try to include some photos. I also found a video about Earth’s layers. I didn’t bring my Usborne or kingfisher books home so I can’t say which “additional reading” is the best for tomorrow but they are all usually excellent.



5th/6th Grade 9.27

Hi 5/6 parents, 

  I handed back test today. If your child is not happy with their test results I will be offering a retake on Wednesday during recess. I would suggest anyone under 75% take it over.

  We had to move fast today to get through notes and a lab all in one day. The lab was not a success so we discussed that sometimes that’s is what happens. We discussed what might have been the problem. Some wanted to add oil…I tried explaining that would change the density too much and we were hoping to get the hotter water to rise and the cooler to sink. I found a video that shows this better. We are aiming to move toward less of me giving all the notes exactly as they are on the board. I’m wanting them to start listening and catching the missing words on their notes.


5th grade 9.18

Hello 5th grade,

Sorry about the mixed up quizzes. I joked with the students that they watched the same video about water cycle (states of matter) as the chemistry on Wednesday and they should have been able to do it. We did the correct quiz in class today. We have a test in one week. I plan to do the test in the book except the T/F page. We went back over labeling a map today. We even got to play battleship with lines of latitude and longitude.

   For Wednesday …after we do our notes. I want the kids to make a “travel poster/brochure/webpage” on a half sheet of poster board that I have. They will work in teams to research a biome/habitat on Chromebook (if they are not being used in another class). They will then draw and print info on the boards to entice people to visit their area.

   We read today from a Louis Giglio book about how God gives plants and animals special features to survive/adapt to the environment.  He will do that for us. And He is the ultimate source of thirst quenching.


We have gone over a ton of information. We still have more to get to before the test. I’m looking over the test and it’s 5 pages! How would y’all feel if we skipped the true/ false section. Is that allowed? True/false honestly confuses me. My brain tries to correct it or over thinks it. I think it’s more important for kids to label the map and water cycle on the following pages. 
   Next week we are discussing biomes and habitats. If we have time in class, I hope to have them draw a habitat on the half sheets of poster board some of y’all thankfully brought in. This will be instead of the habitat diorama that is in the Want More section. 
  We have moved to putting one boy at each table to see if that helps with the talking. But please remind them that we have a lot to do and constant chatter doesn’t help. 


Hi everyone! 
  We had an action packed Wednesday. We got in a fun lab exploring glacier melt, did our notes and watched a video on why glacier ice is blue. These two classes are big and we have a lot of fun stuff planned. Can you remind your kiddos that there is a time to talk and a time to listen, there is a time to play with paper and a time to learn. I may have to move to assigned seats for a little while if the talking persist. It’s not only disruptive  to me but distracts fellow students when kids have side conversations.  They are doing a great job of filling in their notes and class discussions are great. 

movie for the week

I always like to have something prepared in case the lab experiment doesn't take long or we have a few minutes. I like to keep everyone occupied so we don't descend into entropy. This week I plan to have a Disney NatGeo show ready to watch. Since this is more entertainment and less educational, I wanted to make sure y'all were okay with it. If you have concerns, let me know. It is PG.


5/6th Earth Science

  We had fun learning about Rivers this week. We got to get outside for a few minutes on Monday to do our experiment. Then we watched a video on Wednesday to put some visuals to what we talked about in our note taking. I had one more video to watch, but our time was short because of Chapel (which was excellent). I’ll include the link to the video we did watch and the one we didn’t get to. 


  Next we will be exploring oceans, which is always fascinating. 





We had a big week in science trying to catch up from last week. We went over two sets of notes. Thankfully, Mrs Rosenbaum gave me her notes that already had most of the notes typed out and we just had to fill in some words. We also went over the first quiz together. As of right now, I don’t plan on grading the quizzes. I do want the student to bring them back to me on Mondays along with what they worked on at home on Thursday. You can use the quiz as part of your grading records to help offset test grades.

   We went over all the different parts of the book. There are lots of little parts that can fall through the cracks. They need to fill out the vocabulary words at the beginning of each unit  (some weeks there may be one word and others there might be more). They also need to fill in the dates for each unit in the front of the book. We talked about how it’s okay to paraphrase or shorten the info for those entries.

Monday we will be doing labs in both classes. Please feel free to drop off supplies a week or two early. 

For this past week, chemistry was working on a report that covers one element of their choosing. We did research in class on Monday. The report needs to be about two paragraphs long and in their own words of what they learned. It can be hand written or (voice to text) typed.